48 results
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Boats and Lobster Shack at Beal's Wharf Negative, 1940

Bruce Fernalds lobster bouys


Drawing of lobster pot by C. Gilley


Fred Thurston with His Traps Negative, 1946 (1)

Fred Thurston with His Traps Negative, 1946 (2)


Gary A. Parsons Hauls One of his New Wire Lobster Traps


Hadlock's Weir in Bunker's Cove Photograph, undated

Hadlock's Weir in Bunker's Cove with Mount Desert Island in the Distance Photograph, undated

Harding's Wharf

Harvey A. Moore Working on Traps - A Maine Lobster Fisherman's Workshop

Hauling Seine Negative, 1949

Hauling the Net and Lobstering


Islesford houses on Main St


Jerry Tapley and his Granddaughter, Sierra Tapley's Lobster Buoys


Lobster and Traps

Lobster cars hauled out for winter 2001

Lobster Pots in the Snow - Thurston's Wharf, Bernard

Lobster Shack in Bernard

Lobster Traps at the Narrows

Lobster Traps on Wharf in Bernard, Maine (2)

Lobster Wharf at Goose Cove, Tremont, Maine (2)


Man with Lobster Trap Photograph


Old bait butt Islesford 1996

Otter Creek Cove Photograph


Ralph Ober Phippen Hauling Traps (2)

Ralph Phippen, Hauling Lobster Traps Negative, 1937 (1)

Ralph Phippen, Hauling Lobster Traps Negative, 1937 (2)

Ralph Phippen, Hauling Lobster Traps Negative, 1937 (3)

Ralph Phippen, Hauling Lobster Traps Negative, 1937 (4)

Ralph Phippen, Hauling Lobster Traps Negative, 1937 (5)

Ralph Phippen, Hauling Lobster Traps Negative, 1937 (6)

Ralph Phippen, Hauling Lobster Traps Negative, 1937 (7)

Ralph Phippen's Lobster Trap Negative, 1937 (1)

Ralph Phippen's Lobster Trap Negative, 1937 (2)

Richard Black and Wilder Dolliver With Lobster Traps


Salting Herring Net Negative, 1944

Seigning at Bunker's Cove

Seining at Southwest Harbor Negative, 1949 (1)

Seining at Southwest Harbor Negative, 1949 (2)

Seining at Southwest Harbor Negative, 1949 (3)

Southwest Harbor Lobster Boat and Wharf Negative, 1954


Three Lobstermen at Hampton Harbor Photograph


Unloading Fish from a Dory Negative (1)

Unloading Fish from a Dory Negative (2)


Wooden Lobster Trap at Lower Town Dock, Southwest Harbor