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You searched for: Collection: is exactly 'Geographic Information Systems (GIS)'Date: 2010sPlace: International
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Effects of Drought in Two Villages in Namibia
  • https://coagis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=fbf4d16c87e4484da5d210a71c9ffc07
Namibia is known for its arid climate and the flora and fauna that have adapted to these conditions over many generations. The livelihoods of most people depend directly on the land. Therefore, a large portion of Namibia is used for agriculture, natural resource extraction, and tourism. The country mainly exports raw materials and imports most of its goods and services.
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What Have We Accomplished since Kyoto?
Kyoto pledges versus actual greenhouse gas emissions
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Measles: Understanding Outbreaks
  • https://coagis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=1f0d97ffa80a48f2a9840684b3dbf778
Measles is an air-born infection caused by a paramyxovirus, mostly common in early childhood. In the present day, measles is considered an extinct disease in most parts of the world. According to WHO, in 1980, before widespread vaccination, measles caused an estimated 2.6 million deaths each year. However, in the recent years, the once eradicated disease started resurfacing in countries like New Zealand, Australia, and United States (CDC). It is one of the leading causes of death among young children even though a safe and cost-effective vaccine is available (WHO). [show more]